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Tips for surviving your hospital stay

These tips helped us in surviving our stay in the PICU /Peds unit

Please feel free to add your own tips in the comments section.

~  Get help ASAP- Having a child in the hospital is a challenge for the entire family. Allow your friends and family to help so that you can focus on being there for your infant.

~Do NOT be afraid to leave- Whether you are craving a breath of fresh air or in dire need of  some time alone, it is OK to take a break. Each individual knows their limits but please know that your child is in the best place and is closely supervised (if you suspect otherwise a discussion with your charge nurse is necessary). Leave your information with your child's nurse and take your leave.

~Touch/talk to your baby- Your familiar touch and voice can work wonders in helping your baby cope with his/her surroundings.

~ Pack a good suit-case- Alot of babies with botulism are hospitalized for a lengthy period of time. Packing a good/sturdy bag (wheels are a plus) is important.
A seperate laundry bag can help keep track of what will need replenishing.

~Tissues- Most hospitals do not invest in good/soft tissues. I kept my own box bedside
and left an extra one in the common room for all the families to use.

~Hospital Shoes- Being close to your baby may mean alot of time on your feet. Put on your most comfortable shoes (ask the nurses what they prefer) and use them only in the hospital.
You don't want to bring those hospital germs home on your shoes
(especially if you have small children at home).
A disposable shower cap works well to cover your hospital shoes during transport.

~Journal/pen- You may find that writing about your child's day may help.
Writing your own feelings can help in processing this event. It can be useful to jot down
questions in one place, notes and lists for requested items (clean clothes, food, tweezers etc).

~Familiar toys/blankets, etc- If your hospital allows, it is nice to bring in some of your child's toys, blankets, books and/or lovee's. Decorating the crib (if permitted) with colorful pictures and familiar items may help ease your child at times.

~Food/water/snacks- Storage may be available for food and drinks. Label them clearly and bring reusable water bottles/coffee cups (waking to find that the disposable cups are gone is awful).

~Record rounds on your phone- Most cell phones now have a "recorded memo" type program. Rounds (basically a daily report involving your child's history/care) typically occurs in the morning hours and if permission is granted it may help to record them.
Well, my main reason for recording rounds was so that my mate could hear them (he rarely made it to the hospital in time for rounds) AND I could re-listen later during a time where I could focus (and was more awake).

1 comment:

  1. I love your very first tip of accepting help from friends and family that are offering it. When I went to the hospital, I was very stubborn and I didn't want help from anybody I knew. My pride ended up really tearing away a lot of the time I could have spent with my child, because I was worrying about other things. Like you said, the more help you get, the more time you can focus on your infant.
